Prolotherapyis a regenerative treatment that consists of injecting an irritating solution into sites with degeneration and pain such as joints, tendons, and ligaments. The proliferating solution can include Dextrose, P2G, Morrhuate sodium, glycerin, growth hormone, platelet-rich plasma, and stem cells, among others. This therapy causes a local inflammatory process which leads to natural tissue repair and healing.

The goal of prolotherapy is not only to reduce pain, but also to benefit function and movement, improve strength, and increases joint stability. It is usually indicated in patients with chronic pain (which has not responded to other treatments) or injuries due to trauma; It is used in conditions such as low back pain, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, fibromyalgia, etc.

Although, in some cases, unfortunately, the only option is to perform surgery, many times proliferative treatments are a better option for patients as they are less expensive and invasive.

Why choose prolotherapy and not surgery?

  • Fewer risks or complications.
  • No side effects
  • A quick recovery
  • It is more economical
  • It is an outpatient procedure
  • Results are fast and effective

Since some conditions are in a gray area in which the patient can benefit from surgery or prolotherapy, it is important to always go to a specialist doctor trained in proliferative therapies for an appropriate medical assessment and thus define whether or not the patient is a candidate for this treatment, or, if applicable, define whether surgery is unavoidable.

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Olympia, Sports Medicine.