Sports medicine for children, does it exist?

Sports medicine for children, does it exist?

Sports and physical activity are an integral part of children’s development. This promotes a healthy lifestyle, discipline, teamwork, and social development. Although rigorous exercise and training is usually done by adults, it does not mean that younger people cannot suffer injuries or health problems during sports. Sports medicine has advanced in care for athletes of all ages, and has not only become more specialized in it, but also promotes it.

In the sports medicine area focused on children and young people, their unique physiological, nutritional and psychological needs are studied according to their age. This also implements other branches such as pediatrics, nutrition, and physiotherapy to guarantee comprehensive and complete care.

In these cases, preventive measures are given priority, working together with coaches and parents to emphasize the type of exercises, warm-ups, and training suitable for each child, depending on the sport and age. In the case of an injury, timely diagnosis and treatment are vital, a sports medicine doctor is trained to treat the most common injuries in athletes (sprains, tears, etc.). It is important to see a specialist to avoid complications, especially if the young person wants to continue practicing sports, since sports medicine doctors also design personalized rehabilitation programs to guarantee an effective and safe recovery.

In young athletes, proper nutrition is also essential for their development and overall health. A nutritionist will be able to help by providing a balanced diet, however, a sports medicine doctor’s review will still be needed for guidance on nutritional needs in relation to physical activity and sports performance. Nutrition will be different for two children of the same age but doing different sports and with different intensity.

Within the comprehensive care with the specialist, psychological care and support is also guaranteed, remembering that the mental aspect is important for sports performance and well-being of young people. The doctor helps athletes deal with the anxiety and stress of sports participation.

Children’s sports medicine offers significant benefits in improving athletic performance, preventing injuries, and promoting lifelong healthy habits. With a focus on comprehensive care, sports medicine physicians ensure safety as the top priority in children’s sports activities. This field of specialty recognizes the specific needs of young athletes and is vital in the development of future talent. Sports medicine for children is essential to ensure a healthy and satisfying sports experience.

Injuries Caused by Lack of Exercise

Injuries Caused by Lack of Exercise

Nowadays a sedentary lifestyle has become a general health problem, according to the INEGI, 57.9% of the population aged 18 and over in Mexico is physically inactive. This can lead to various risks and health problems, one of them being injuries that arise due to decreased bone density, muscle weakness, and poor flexibility.

Musculoskeletal injuries due to physical inactivity are one of the most common types, by not using our muscles they become weaker and susceptible to sprains and tears. The joints are also affected since they lose support with the weakening of the muscles, and this causes them to become overloaded. Inactivity also causes a bad posture that leads to chronic pain. To reduce the risk, a regular exercise routine is necessary to maintain strength, balance, and flexibility.

It is important to remember that exercise is necessary for bone health, maintaining bone density and promoting calcium absorption. Bones become weaker as we age and become more prone to fractures, and the risk of osteoporosis rises, a condition that causes decreased bone mass. Exercising, especially exercise with weights and resistance, helps to reduce this risk and mitigate bone damage, since osteoblasts are activated during mechanical stress, which are responsible for bone formation and repair. Over time this effect will accumulate resulting in stronger, denser bones. Lastly, exercise increases blood flow, which helps distribute nutrients and oxygen, both necessary for bone remodeling.

Lack of exercise also affects other systems such as the cardiovascular and metabolic system. A lifestyle without physical activity increases the chances of a heart attack, coronary disease or hypertension. It also predisposes people to insulin resistance as a sedentary lifestyle affects insulin sensitivity and glucose regulation. It causes unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels and an increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle, improves insulin sensitivity, decreases body fat, and lowers the concentration of triglycerides, cholesterol, and LDL.

In conclusion: a sedentary lifestyle is harmful to health and can lead to a wide variety of injuries. Regular physical activity is important to strengthen our muscles and joints, keep our bones healthy, and prevent or control other chronic diseases.

Before starting any physical activity, you should always go for a medical checkup with a professional to rule out risks and complications.

The Importance of Adequate Rest in Enhancing Sports Performance

The Importance of Adequate Rest in Enhancing Sports Performance

Athletes need rigorous training to excel in their competitions and maintain their performance level, however, during this preparation they usually forget something very important: rest. Rest is a fundamental pillar for sports performance with positive physiological and psychological effects.

Rest and sleep play an important role in tissue repair mechanisms and muscle growth. Although it is a passive activity, it is crucial for performance as it helps prevent overtraining by reducing fatigue, inflammation, and stress. During sleep, the growth hormone is released, promoting tissue repair, and cortisol also decreases, which brings benefits like stress control, better mood, and anti-inflammatory regulation.

Microscopic muscle damage begins to occur during moderate physical activity. That is why the recovery phase after a workout is important, where muscle fibers are rebuilt, increasing strength and mass, which helps improve athletic performance. In case of insufficient rest, this process is interrupted or insufficiently carried out, which could cause overuse injuries and decreased physical improvement.

Adequate sleep is also essential for the cognitive function of athletes, having benefits in memory and mood. This helps sports performance as the athlete maintains a mental sharpness and a competitive advantage. Lack of rest and inadequate sleep affects concentration, decreases reaction time and important decision making during training or competitions.

Finally, the combination of intense training and insufficient rest cause a hormonal alteration. The rise of the stress hormone cortisol can affect mood, sleep regulation, and even the immune system function. This affects the body to recover effectively and completely.

For proper rest and optimal recovery it is recommended:

  1. A sleep time of around 7-9 hours each night.
  2. Balanced nutrition to support muscle growth and repair.
  3. Do a relaxation routine at night, such as reading or meditating.
  4. Limit the consumption of caffeine or other stimulants close to your bedtime.
  5. Avoid long naps during the day, these should be 20 to 30 minutes.

The importance of rest in athletes should not be ignored, it is as important as exercise and diet. Integrating appropriate rest plans for each athlete allows them to improve their performance and reach higher levels of their potential. In the long term, rest brings greater benefits to your general well-being.