IV therapy, why do we recommend it?

IV therapy, why do we recommend it?

Intravenous or IV therapy has become a well-known therapy nowadays and is in very high demand. It is a minimally invasive procedure that consists of the administration of liquids through a catheter directly into the vein. This allows elements (medications, vitamins, minerals, etc.) to reach the organism faster.

The type of therapy will depend on each patient and their needs. There are IV therapies for hydration, to treat pain, to improve the immune system, to recover from a sports competition, among others. Benefits include:

  • Efficiency in absorption since it bypasses the gastric system
  • Quick administration
  • It is better for treating certain nutrient deficiencies
  • Rises the levels of energy
  • Helps control symptoms and pain faster
  • Improves the immune system
  • It is a low-risk therapy

Depending on the case, the type of therapy is indicated, the most common causes are usually dehydration, muscle pain or stiffness, administration of analgesics when the patient cannot take them orally, getting sick recurrently, although there are other indications such as for skin treatment, to relieve stress, or treat other conditions such as osteoporosis.

This therapy is recommended for all its benefits mentioned above and for its diversity in treatments.

Although side effects are few and rarely occur, it is always recommended to receive IV therapy in a clinic or under the supervision of health personnel (in case it is administered at home).

Some complications are allergic reactions, bruising or swelling in the area of the catheter.

Before receiving any treatment, it is essential to see a doctor for the correct indication of the therapy and to rule out any contraindications.

Sports medicine as a method to get in shape

Sports medicine as a method to get in shape

Sports medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases related to physical activity and sports. This specialty also encompasses the biomechanics and physiology of exercise, as well as the study of nutrition and sports psychology. All these factors help patients and athletes to improve their physical performance or start a healthy lifestyle. It is important to know that seeing a sports medicine doctor is not only for high-performance athletes and is recommended for anyone regardless of gender or age.

Sports medicine carries out studies prior to a sport, such as a stress test, a physical examination, and a footprint analysis, as well as giving recommendations for safe physical activity. The most common injuries are sprains, tendonitis, tears, and shoulder injuries. Avoiding and treating these injuries also benefits getting fit without complications.

So how does sports medicine help you get in shape?

As mentioned above, the doctor will do a physical examination and clinical history accompanied by different tests (depending on the case) to know the physical and metabolic state of the person and rule out any complications. Musculoskeletal discomfort or problems such as joint pain or previous injuries are also ruled out. A healthy body is the first step to getting fit.

Once the patient’s objectives are identified, a personalized plan is made that includes the type of exercise that can be performed and in the case of athletes who return to physical activity, continuous monitoring is managed to increase their performance. Along with this plan, eating plans are also recommended, remembering that to be fit and healthy, a balanced diet is also required, also depending on the goals of the person. For example, it is not the same type of diet or exercise routine for a person who wants to gain muscle mass, to another who wants to reduce their body weight, or even for a person who is going to do vigorous physical activity.

If you are planning to start exercising or start a new sport to stay fit, go to a sports medicine doctor for a complete evaluation, in this way, in addition to ruling out any problems, the specialist will have a great overview of your physical condition and in this way will be able to guide you in a personalized and precise way during your progress.

Physiotherapy, a preventive alternative for athletes

Physiotherapy, a preventive alternative for athletes

Physiotherapy is responsible for promoting, restoring, and maintaining the movement and function of our locomotor system. They help in rehabilitation as well as in injury prevention. They also treat other conditions such as lung diseases, circulation problems, movement problems due to nervous system diseases, among others.

Physical therapy is for all types of patients of different ages, including athletes. Many people think that they can only go to therapy after an injury, but recurrent therapy helps prevent such conditions.

Therapy helps relax and strengthen muscles, helps with flexibility, relieves pain in certain areas, and improves range of motion in our extremities. This benefits athletes since their training is usually longer and more intense, putting them at risk of constant injuries, in addition to excessive use of their muscles.

The reasons for going to therapy in a preventive way include taking care of the body constantly so as not to diminish its performance. The ways that physical therapy helps athletes to prevent injuries are:

  • Physiotherapy strengthens muscles through specific strength exercises
  • Improves flexibility
  • Helps with mobility and educates athletes on better postures
  • Implements a specific exercise routine
  • In case of a pre-existing injury, it helps a quick recovery and prevention of serious complications

Therapy can improve the performance and quality of life of athletes. In some cases, it is even recommended to include it as part of their training or routine. If you are an athlete, prevent an injury and go to therapy, it is also necessary to go to the sports medicine doctor for a physical examination, especially if you have had previous injuries.