Most common injuries in sedentary people and how to avoid them

Most common injuries in sedentary people and how to avoid them

Nowadays is easier for society to encourage a sedentary lifestyle with modern office jobs and home entertainment. with these habits our bodies might protest against the inactivity creating injuries and discomfort. But fear not, there are ways to prevent and dodge these sneaky conditions. Let’s explore ways to fight back and keep ourselves as healthy as possible and discover the joy of keeping our bodies in motion.

Unmasking the sedentary conditions

Injuries don’t just happen when our bodies are in motion. As you’re sitting comfortably on your chair or couch, back pain can attack unexpectedly. Back pain, especially lower back pain, is the most common sedentary affliction, often caused by prolonged sitting, weak muscles, and poor posture.

Following is the dreaded neck pain, frequent in people with sedentary jobs as they spend more time looking at screens, accompanied by a bad posture. This can cause neck stiffness and discomfort.

As we remain seated for long periods of time, our pain might shift to our knees. This is a protest of weakened muscles and lack of movement. Remember that the knee joints bear most of our weight and helps us in walking or running, being inactive can cause the joint to become stiff.

A sedentary lifestyle can also give you a hunchback and shoulder problems. This is notorious in daily desk-dwellers with poor desk ergonomics. As mentioned above, shoulder muscles also become weakened and stiff.

It’s important to highlight that a sedentary lifestyle does not only affect the musculoskeletal system, but in the long term it can have more serious health consequences like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and some types of cancer.

Avoiding the common sedentary conditions

Now that we’ve uncovered the common discomforts our body can suffer, it’s time to learn how to avoid them and keep pain at bay. Some important tips are:

  • Take regular breaks from sitting by standing up and stretching
  • Stay physical active, try to take a short stroll around your neighborhood, this will also help with your mood and energy levels
  • Remember the power of maintaining a good posture in your daily routine
  • Take a break from screens to help your neck and eyes
  • Remove tension from your hands and shoulders

Within a sedentary lifestyle, injuries and other afflictions might appear, but with a change in our habits we can turn the narrative around. Embrace the benefits of being active and slowly break free from that sedentary routine, saying bye to pain, stiff muscles, and other health risks.

Rest as part of the athlete’s routine

Rest as part of the athlete’s routine

Let’s unveil the magic of adding rest in every athlete’s schedule. In the vast world of fitness and sports, where the spotlight often shines on adrenaline-pumping exercises and intense trainings, there’s a key element that deservers recognition – rest. Yes, rest is a silent hero in every athlete’s routine, let’s explore its benefits and important role in aiding in performance and recovery.

In general the work of sleep behind the scenes is to repair and rebuild. When resting our body doesn’t just switch off, instead it replenishes energy storage, mends muscles, and promotes healing. This gets athletes ready for the next big day of training or competition, helping them maintain their endurance and performance.

¿What are other resting benefits?

Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining hormonal balance. Specifically growth hormone, which is responsible for muscle growth and repair. And on the contrary, lack of sleep can elevate cortisol levels, potentially hindering performance and recovery.

Rest isn’t only to give your body a break, it takes care of your mental health too. Use it as a spa for your brain, as sleep helps with memory, enhances problem-solving, and cognitive function.

It helps prevent or recover from illnesses. Cytokines are released during sleep, which aid the immune system in fighting off infections.

While there are benefits it’s important to mention that not having quality rest can also affect athletes negatively. Some of the consequences of poor sleep are:

  • Decreased accuracy
  • Higher risk of injuries or illnesses
  • Affected reaction time
  • Quicker exhaustion
  • Increase stress levels and mood swings

Implementing rest for athletes

Firstly is important to understand that the required sleep and rest vary in all athletes, depending on the type of sport and intensity of training. Which is why it’s important to incorporate sleep in the routine with the help of a professional to align it with each unique training regimen.

Besides the amount of hours spend sleeping, athletes should aim for quality sleep with a consistent sleep schedule and a comfortable mattress. Creating a night sleep a relaxing sanctuary. Other sleep hygiene tips include:

  • Staying away from electronics
  • Having a night routine
  • Avoiding caffeine or energy drinks before bed
  • Be consistent with a schedule
  • Have a relaxing environment

Rest doesn’t necessarily mean just sleeping, as an athlete integrate mindful rest days into your routine, engaging in low-intensity activities such as yoga, light jogging, or meditation, allowing your body to recover. This way there’s a lower risk of overtraining and stress.

Consciously adding rest to an athlete’s routine will enhance their recovery process, mental agility, and body performance. The benefits of strategic rest will help reach extraordinary results. Time to embrace a good night’s sleep on the road to fitness greatness.

Hip pain – causes, treatment options and ways to improve it

Hip pain – causes, treatment options and ways to improve it

Hip pain isn’t just an inconvenience, it’s a barrier that makes the simplest of activities feel burdensome. Whether you’re a dedicated athlete or a person who tries to stay active, understanding the causes of hip pain is crucial for a fulfilling quality of life. Let’s navigate the journey to a pain-free existence, unveiling treatment options and ways for long lasting relief.

What causes the pain?

There are many factors that can cause this affliction, the key is to figure out which one, as even sitting down can trigger hip pain. Our hips support our every move and even though they’re strong, they can start rebelling with ache.

Some of the most common conditions are:

  • Osteoarthritis, especially in older adults. The cartilage in the joints wears down over time, leading to stiffness, pain, and reduced mobility.
  • Bursitis, known as the inflammation of the bursae (small, fluid-filled sacs) around the hip joint that causes pain and discomfort.
  • Tendinitis is cause by overuse or repetitive stress that generates inflammation of the ligament with pain and stiffness.
  • Hip Fractures or injuries usually usually due to falls or accidents, can cause severe pain and require immediate medical attention. This includes strain injuries or hip dislocations.
  • Structural conditions like development dysplasia of the hip (DDH) or others that may affect the shape and strength of the hips.

Choosing the right treatment

Now that we’ve identified the different cause elements, we can dive into the remedies. The treatment options vary depending on the affliction, severity, and type of patient (gender, age, etc.). But fear not, the good news is that there’s a solution for everyone.

There are non-invasive treatment options that are as simple as rest and ice, sometimes this can provide the relief your hips need. Other option is the guide of an expert in physical therapy, where a physical therapist can design a personalized routine to improve flexibility, strength, and stability. Lastly, we can pair up these with pain relievers to boost the aid your hips are craving. Always check with your healthcare provider first for medication approval.

Invasive treatment alternatives

When it comes to severe conditions or persistent chronic pain, other interventions might be suggested to get those hips back in sync. aside from surgery (when needed), regenerative therapies thrive in treating pain.

Prolotherapy – an injection treatment of a small amount of an irritant solution to jumpstart our bodies’ natural healing process by triggering an inflammation chain reaction to promote blood flow and healing cells. It is commonly used to help people with musculoskeletal conditions. In reality is minimally invasive and it’s considered an out-patient therapy.

Platelet-rich plasma – PRP therapy contains sufficient platelets with a high concentration of proteins and growth factors that promote tissue healing. This is made by taking a sample of the patient’s own blood, and just like prolotherapy is minimally invasive for the person.

Before recurring to surgery or other more invasive treatments, seek the distinct therapy options available to you.

Tips for prevention

  • Regular exercise or physical activity is the first step in taking care of your hips. Aim for a mix of strength, and flexibility exercises to keep those joints happy and active.
  • Always mind your posture, whether sitting at your desk, walking down a park or standing in line, maintain good posture to take the load off your hips.
  • Before and after rigorous activities treat your hips with care by doing dynamic stretches.
  • Make sure you have proper footwear as this will guarantee the correct feet, knees, and hips alignment. Wearing the wrong shoes can make hips over work by compensating the imbalance.

In summary, hips are the stepping stone to keep our body moving and in balance. If hip pain strikes you, it’s important to seek posible causes and treatment options. Don’t forget to go to a medical professional for a therapy plan and personal tips for a hip-healthy lifestyle.

Athlete care during winter season

Athlete care during winter season

winter season wraps our world in a shimmering coat of frost and chilliness, during this time athletes can find themselves with unique challenges that potential injury risks. From low temperatures to icy terrain, winter can be both thrilling and demanding for those trying to commit to their exercise routines. In order to maintain a safe training environment athletes should prioritize comprehensive care, there are some essential tips and considerations to ensure athletes thrive and maintain peak performance during winter months.

First off, winter demands a different approach when it comes to gear, layering up like a pro is the best weapon against winter workouts. This includes clothing, hand covers to avoid frosty fingers, and choosing the right footwear. It is recommended for athletes to start out with a base layer to keep sweat away from skin, a middle layer to trap heat, and lastly a waterproof outer or shell layer to shield against rain, wind, or other elements as necessary. The shoes should keep our feet dry and steady to avoid falls, if you’re out running then shoes with a good grip are a better option. Remember, it’s easier to remove layers if you get too warm than to add them if you’re shivering.

Considerations during workouts:

Staying hydrated, cold air is often dry and exercising can still lead to fluid loss don’t fall for the misconception that you don’t need to drink as much water in cold weather. Keep sipping your drink throughout your training and consider warming up afterwards with a cozy tea.

Adjusting your warm-up routine for the winter chill is important as cold muscles are more prone to injury. Gently warm up your body before diving into intense workouts, spend a few extra minutes with some dynamic stretches or light jogging and move your fingers and toes frequently to get your blood flowing.

Having an adequate post-workout recovery. In general it’s essential to have a recovery routine to keep your body in top shape. After a chilly workout don’t remove your layers while still in the open, treat yourself to a nutritious meal and a hot bath for your muscles and joints.

The importance of comprehensive care

Regular health check-ups are essential to monitor athletes’ overall well-being. A specialized physician can ensure athletes are following protocols and can monitor signs for overtraining or injury risks. Which is why a consult with a sports medicine doctor is important, they can rule out complications and provide a full safe training plan.

Here in Olympia we also count with immune support. The winter season is known to be associated with an increase in illnesses. We encourage athletes to prioritize their immune health with adequate sleep, stress management, and immune-boosters. A nutrition plan with supplements such as a recovery IV can be implemented.

Let’s not forget that indoor alternatives exist for days that winter weather might be too harsh. If you’re injured or don’t have experience exercising in cold environments, embrace training with a physiotherapist. Take a break from the cold while maintaining your fitness level, exercise therapy can increase muscular strength, prevent injuries, enhanced breathing control, and improve coordination.

Optimizing athlete care during winter may present its challenges involving physical and environmental factors. However, navigating winter wonderland with the right team and preparations help athletes focus on their goals and journey safely.

Visit us at Olympia for a full medical check-up and training plan for the season.