Prolotherapy, also known as regenerative therapy, has long been a non-surgical treatment alternative for chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Chronic musculoskeletal pain can significantly affect a patient’s quality of life. Previously, surgery was the only considered treatment option for patients with persistent pain. However, surgery carries more risks, costs, and a long recovery period.

involves the injection of an irritant solution, usually consisting of dextrose, into the affected ligaments, tendons, or joints. The solution stimulates an inflammatory response in damaged tissues that leads to an increase in growth factors and cytokines. These substances stimulate cell proliferation, collagen synthesis and blood vessel formation, facilitating the repair and strengthening of injured tissues.

By stimulating tissue repair, prolotherapy aims to reduce pain and improve joint stability and mobility. Improving the quality of life of the patient.

Some indications for prolotherapy are:

  • Ligament and tendon injuries
  • Joint instability
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Chronic low back pain
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Tennis elbow
  • Plantar fasciitis

It is also important to mention that prolotherapy only requires local anesthesia and is generally not painful. A significant improvement of up to 85%% is reported in most patients.

Prolotherapy offers a non-invasive treatment option for patients who wish to avoid surgery or who cannot undergo surgery due to a medical condition.

After the procedure a minimum rest time is required.

However, the individual characteristics of the patient must be considered before indicating this therapy and it must always be indicated and performed by a doctor specialized in these treatments.