
Neurorehabilitation is comprehensive medical assistance aimed at people who have a disability derived from a neurological injury at any age such as:
• Acquired or traumatic and congenital spinal injury: tetraplegia, paraplegia, syringomelia and spina bifida (myeolomeningocele).
• Brain damage: brain-vascular events, cerebral hypoxias, head trauma, tumors and encephalopathies.
• Neurodegenerative diseases: Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alz-Heimer and Dementia.
• Peripheral nerve lesions: Brachial and lumbosacral plexopathies, Mono neuropathies (Carpus and Tarsus tunnel syndrome) and Polyneuropathys (diabetic polineuropatia).
• Neuromuscular diseases: muscular dystrophies, inflammatory myopathies and dystonia.
A person with Nervous System involvement may have motor, sensory, cognitive, behavioral, language and swallowing deficits, digestive problems (chronic and severe constipation), urinary problems (bladder neurogenic) and sexual dysfunctions; depending on the severity, location and extent of the injury to the Nervous System.
In Olympia you will find interdisciplinary assistance that has as main objective to help to restore as much altered functions as possible, adapt to this new situation of life and recover the autonomy of the patient, favoring integration global life and proper integration into our society.
At Olympia we also offer guidance on the social inclusion of the patient (work, school, community and sports).
Our interdisciplinary team consists of:
• Specialist Physician in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
• Physician Specialist in Pediatric Neurology and Neurology.
• Medical Specialist in Human Communication (Audiology and Foniatra).
• Psychology and Neuropsychology.
• Lic. Physical Therapy.
• Lic. Occupational Therapy.
• Lic. Language Therapy.
• Lic. Social Orientation.
Highly qualified and trained health professionals giving you care with human warmth.
In the 1990s, known as the neuroscience decade, there was enormous progress in scientific knowledge of this branch of science, being crucial for new conceptions in the treatment of neurological diseases. Neurorehabilitation or neurological rehabilitation arises to respond to this type of pathology.
Neurorehabilitation is a medical discipline composed of an interdisciplinary team (rehabilitating physician, neurologist, physical therapists, occupational, language and psychologists) with an eclectic treatment vision according to the different methods therapeutic physical exercise, the latter being the fundamental medium in the neurorehabilitation process as the largest powerful stimulator of the nervous system.
Therapeutic exercise is the most widely used medium in neurorehabilitation treatments, this plays a decisive role in all areas of neurorehabilitation (physical, language, occupational and even psychological therapy), being decisive its application for restoring or improving damaged function or loss from damage to the central or peripheral nervous system.
With a “focused person” philosophy where the most important thing is the patient and an interdisciplinary treatment model specific treatment programs have been made for each type of injury, these programs are periodically reassessed to determine the progress in their rehabilitation and adapt them to the achievements achieved towards functional results.
It is a therapeutic process structured as a highly individualized program, specifically developed to solve the patient’s needs after brain injuries or other neurological origin. Although eclectic because it selects different therapeutic methods that it considers appropriate for the patient, we attach special importance to physical exercise. The use of it as a fundamental means applied in neurological rehabilitation is an important alternative within contemporary therapeutic methods. Physical exercise achieves the stimulation of neuroplastic mechanisms and the highly specialized training of the skills or skills committed to achieve the maximum possible functional recovery.

It is a learning process derived from principles of neuroscience and research, based on brain plasticity.
The neurorehabilitation program is designed to meet the needs of each particular patient, depending on their specific problem or disease. Active patient and family involvement are critical to the program’s success.

The objective of neurorehabilitation is to help the patient to recover the highest possible level of functionality and independence and to improve their overall quality of life both in the physical aspect and in the psychological and social aspects.

The patient performs a program based on a normal motor learning model, which involves the elimination of abnormal muscle activity, feedback, re-education, practice and interrelationship between posture and movement, the program then consists of a engine relearning process.
Practice and repetition are the two key pillars on which neurorehabilitation is supported, with neuroplasticity as a substrate. The practice and repetition of exercises in normal movement patterns are the two principles on which the rehabilitation of nervous system disorders should be based, since after all, what is needed when one forgets what you have learned, either by nervous system injuries or others, is to relearn it. These theories start from the basis that the injured brain continues to have the ability to learn. Learning has important implications that allow the brain to reorganise based on the information provided to it, through active exercises.

Neurological rehabilitation programs are therefore organized by super personnel specialized in this type of intervention, with greater benefits in serving only this group of diseases. With programs oriented to each pathology and applied specifically in each patient taking into account their physical, cognitive and language problems, evaluations are carried out to determine through the different disciplines of the team neurorehabilitation goals and comprehensive treatment strategies.

Neurorehabilitation would not have been possible without regard to neuroplasticity, a basis by which we can consider that people with neurological injuries can benefit from treatments to improve function lost or altered by events occurred in the central nervous system.
Through the experience in the rehabilitation of patients with neurological injuries, it has been shown that through the therapeutic exercise, it can partially or totally recover the functions altered by rehabilitation procedures, through the Active exercise (to maximize neurological recovery) and repetition of normal muscle patterns of movement managing to establish new movement patterns, modifying functionally and structurally to the brain.

It depends heavily on this recovery the type of injury, the etiology and the time since the injury occurred. An early intervention of the interdisciplinary team in rehabilitation will be much more efficient as many complications are avoided: (decubitus ulcers, total loss of movement, dependent for your needs, total disability, decreased quality of life, swallowing problems, nutritional requirements, increased spasticity, etc.

Progressive physical changes following a health event (inherited, congenital, or trauma and illness) lead to an impossibility or disability in the normal functioning of the person. It tends to experience changes in emotional state, associated with a general discomfort and, as a result, a series of psychological reactions that can influence functional status and physical well-being, regardless of the severity of the disease. This fact affects in an important way all the dimensions that make up the life of the subject (personal, family, social and work) and influences in a decisive way the progress or retreat of physical rehabilitation.
It is in this sense that the importance of exploring the psychological and emotional reactions that could be influencing both the etiology of the disease and its persistence and / or degradation lies. Such reactions have an impact, as has been said, on the general process of rehabilitation of the patient and on his general well-being.
In many cases not only the patient requires psychological attention, but also their relatives, as these will undergo a series of changes in all areas. Family members also have an important influence on the entire rehabilitation process, so it is important to work with them, advise them and in some cases also give them clinical care.
In Olympia we include psychological assessment as part of the initial and holistic assessment, as a priority in patients with candidates for Neurorehabilitation and Chronic Pain or in those cases in which the need is detected. The assessment allows us to make a general review of the psychological state of the patient and allows us to identify whether or not there is a need for attention in this regard. The approach we carry out is multidisciplinary, so the assessment and psychological intervention is another aspect of the assessment and comprehensive treatment. Its function is to direct the treatment and rehabilitation of patients in the most comprehensive and optimal way.


Street Margaritas #49, Sm.22, M.25, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.


Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 2:00pm and 4:30pm to 9:00pm


  • 998) 884-02-86
  • (998) 884-12-29




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